Thursday, July 5, 2012

So Much Is Lost

Laura Engels Wilder began writing the story of her life when the world changed drastically during the course of her life.  She saw travel change from covered wagons to airplanes. 

I found the Beloit Mindset List and checked some of the things today's children reguard as ancient history - if they know about them at all.

People born since 1980 do not remember when we had to get out of our chairs to change the channel on the TV.  They never saw an eight-track tape or beta video tape.  They've never owned a record player. 

Other than a port-a-potty, they've never used anything except indoor plumbing and never had to haul water to do anything other than watering outdoor plants.

They've always had MTV. 

They have no idea who or what Farfel was, no active memory of Reagan's presidency, don't know that Reagan and the Pope were shot within two months of each other.  They don't remember what they were doing when John Kennedy was shot, when men first landed on the moon, or the Bay of Pigs occurred, because they weren't born yet.

I may not be Laura Engels Wilder, but I see incredible changes between my early years and now.  Since my mother is still alive, I can pull up stories going back to the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and World War II.  I think some of this is worth recording.

Please feel free to add your own recollections in the comment box.



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