Thursday, April 4, 2013


In 1983, I went with a tour group to Israel.  I'm glad I did it when I was young.  There's a lot of climbing and walking on a tour like that and some of the older ladies had some trouble with the slopes, steps, and hikes we took. 

We started in the upper part of the country, where I stood at the Syrian border and the Lebanese border on the same day.  I got a close-up view of razor wire.  Nasty stuff!

We covered the nation from the north to the south in 10 days. I ate everything that wasn't nailed down and lost 4 pounds while I was there. Two reasons for that, I walked all day, every day I was there, and the only sugar I had was a piece of baklava and one can of Coke - which tasted different from what we get here. I think it's the water.

I remember one night reading my Bible under the covers with a flashlight (shades of my childhood) and realizing that even the prepositions are correct.  For instance, on a map the Galilee is "up" and Jerusalem is "down". So when the Bible says Jesus went up from Galilee to Jerusalem, there is a "viewpoint issue. However, if you are on the ground traveling from the Galilee (below sea level) to Jerusalem (2500 feet above sea level), you do indeed go up to Jerusalem. 

I was able to see the places where the famous people of the Bible walked, worked and played. It made a world of difference in my viewpoint and gave me additional grounding for my faith.

Go if you are able. You will never be the same.

Thanks for visiting with me,


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